UX Engineer and Design Technologist

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VoiceShare App

BellyBuds Speakers


The VoiceShare app allows parents to record stories, read digital books and sing lullabies to their child. Bellybuds speakers allows you to play recordings through the Voiceshare app by gently adhering to a mother’s baby bump and allows her to safely play memory-shaping sound directly to the womb. Not only can parents use VoiceShare as a place to record and share memories, but also as a place to help your little one's mind grow. The more words a child hears in the womb and from birth to age 3, will allow them to bond with their parent(s), talk faster and read sooner. I was tasked to design and strategize an innovative digital experience that can be paired with Wavhello’s hardware product line.


Research on Infant training

An early start on language development not only determines their academic success, but prepares them for stronger emotional development and problem solving skills. The Voiceshare app is designed for a parent to Talk, Read and Sing to your child to build early relationships, impact their academic achievement and future well-being.

To dive deeper into the phenomena of the benefits for a child to listen to their parents voice in the womb, we did some white paper research to understand the science to enhance the User experience with an app . Research has shown a child is able to listen to sounds at 20 weeks old. Once a child is born, he or she is able to recognize their parents voice and is able to have an easier bonding experience.


Design sprint for initial ideation



System Design

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Record a lullaby

This is demo of the recording a lullaby. Once the recording is made it can played multiple times at the convenience of the parent. One of the interesting use case that came out if initial research was the use by the fathers to record their voice for their young ones.


Tracking word count

VoiceShare allows parents and other relatives to record stories, books and songs. These stories expose different vocabulary to the baby. These words can be tracked and over time the parent can see the progress of how many words they have spoken to the baby.

Voiceshare gamify the progress of the word count by awarding badges. With completion of each level a new level a new badge is awarded. Each level has a set of target no of words spoken to the baby. The app also tracks the total amount of time spoken to the child.


Lesson Plan for VoiceShare

Voiceshare can provide a custom lesson plan for you to achieve the word count milestone. The lesson plan has the books lullabies and talking prompts for the parents to record.

Parents can follow the lesson plan and record the media for their kid and play them as many times as they want increasing the exposure of their voice to the baby..

User interface design for VoiceShare

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