UX Engineer and Design Technologist

Interactive Movie


Interactive storytelling

This project is an interactive campaign for the launch of the book, How to be Brave. The interactive experience presents different selections a user can choose from. This allows the user to follow a choice narrative option.

Interaction for this campaign is optimized for desktop viewing. The project is embedded below and can also be accessed here .

content and interaction

All options that are available for the user had to be in line of the underlying theme of the book and campaign, therefore the strategy was to always have some motivational tone even if the user chooses a negative option. .

Interactive CInema

One option allows you to control the narrative of a character. You can follow the journey of the character by taking an action or refusing to take an action. All scenes were shot separately, allowing a user to explore all options.

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This option shows what would happen if the user selects the positive outcome. The arrows indicate to go to the next section of the story or return back to the last one.

Choosing the negative option, the user has the option to go back to the original story or go the next one/ The user is not required to see all the options.


The narrative design of the story

The narration structure supports the main theme of the campaign, which was to be brave and take risks. The interactive narration allows the user to feel the same emotion as the protagonist when choosing one option over the other. This interaction simulates the protagonist dilemma of taking a chance or not.

There are five main stories in the campaign that is taken from the book. Each of the stories have been filmed with two options. One of taking the chance and the other of not taking it. Irrespective of what the user chooses the interaction always has an option to take forward the story.

The image on the left shows the different narrative paths a user might take to follow the story.

The end film is a call to action for the book “How to be brave” where it concludes the movie.

The film was directed by Neha Dutta
