UX Engineer and Design Technologist



Printed Electronics

Xerox PARC has developed novel technology on Printed Electronics. This project explores the interaction heuristics and applications for this technology. As the design technologist on this project I had to develop the whole circuit design , program the interface and demonstrate the usability and interaction design of the technology.


Printed Electronics Prototyping

The schematic of the circuit used for UX probe

The schematic of the circuit used for UX probe


Printed electronics(PE) is used as a UX probe to explore different use-cases where it can be used. Through out the project these probes were used to explore the user behaviour with this technology.


Printed electronics(PE) application for wearables

Flexible electronics allows us to put electronics to different types of surfaces and materials. The flexible property of this technology can be leveraged for soft materials and also can be used as a wearable as it conforms to the human body.As the electronics are printed we can create a Roll to roll printed solution and cut and paste electronics and logic to different materials.