UX Engineer and Design Technologist



Moodbiles : Arti

Moodbiles is an interior concept design for a autonomous car. Design is created around a user who would interact with the car similar to how they would with their phone. As the user will not be engaged in driving the design explores other avenues within the car interior that can contribute to the mood and experience of the user. This experience is managed and curated by the onboard virtual agent Arti.

Car key as an identifier

The keys of the car can hold personal preferences of the user. When the user interests the key not only it starts the car but also updates the recommendations on the music, interior mood, routes and other preferences of the user. This allows multiple users to use the car with custom tuned preferences and not uploading their personal data to a third party server.


Car dashboard interface

The whole dashboard of the car is a big flexible touch screen. The iconography and the menu adapt the screen dimensions of a dashboard. User can navigate through the menu similar to a user interface of a traditional mobile interface. The decision to create a familiar interaction system as a touch phone was to minimize the cognitive load of learning the car system.

Mood of the trip

The onboard intelligence of the car can combine and categories your preferences and would generate a mood template for your each trip. The physical environment would change according to the mood template. This template would be ever evolving and introduces the users to new types of media music or routes depending on their preferences.

It’s a device inserted into the car’s dash that knows your preferences for coffee, your schedule, favorite music, etc. to create the ideal ride.
— https://www.kcrw.com/culture/shows/design-and-architecture/design-students-envision-the-future-of-driverless-cars