UX Engineer and Design Technologist

Thoughts and Ideas


First, there was zero. Then there was one. Philosophically, first there was nothing and then there was something. Lets assume this emergence of something from nothing happened. Even if it happened in infinitely small, potentially infinite number of steps, well, it did happen. Now, what if the universe had 0 and 1. What all can it do? Lets do not forget it also has the "knowledge" of how to go from 0 to 1. Not intelligent knowledge, nor deliberate knowledge, but existential knowledge. If I had to bet on the next actions of such a universe, I would say, it will eventually make 2. Once the universe evolved addition, there was no stopping it. It made 3, 4, 5 and so on. But there was a caveat. To reach the idea of every number, a lot of steps had to be taken first. Eventually, those steps were internalized and 4 existed as naturally as 1+1+1+1. But that step was still a step, however fast and however internalized. With infinite copies of an infinite number of numbers existing for an infinite amount of time, it is highly probable that some would come together, (may be keep looking at each other waiting for the other to make eye contact first) and eventually evolve multiplication. My O my! Now addition looks such an old-old-way of doing things. You don't need a community of workers to get things done slowly. Two heroes could come together, take out their wands, chant multipliers and "reach" a new number in one step. Once the universe evolved multiplication, it discovered that its heartbeat increased, its breath became shallow, it sweated and found to its delight, that it enjoyed creation. The addition was "happening". It was passive. Multiplication was "doing". It was adrenaline. Once the universe evolved multiplication, everything had to be a multiple. The design was so elegant, and so next generation, that everything had to be garbed in it. Everything had to be defined as a multiple. Now, here is the thing: The elegant design had a flaw. There were dissenters. Some numbers, loners since the beginning, could only be reached by addition, the old fashioned way. Although the speed of reaching those numbers had become so fast that it was immaterial how many 1s you needed to step on, it was still a point that, the only way to reach them was to wander through those 1s. These loners, these old fashioned addition-reachable supremacist numbers are Primes. They are the real PRIMALS. They are old, Old. They "know" how the world was created. From 0 and 1. They "remember". It feels (thinks) even better when you see the universe as human brain and every new number just floating around till something says Aha! When we are born it takes some time to get used to the idea of "2". Notice babies and toddlers: They understand zero and one immediately. Even before they start to understand, what is called Object Permanence (It means they know that when Mom is hiding behind the blanket, she still exists), even before Object Permanence, they know nothing and something. Then, They learn the concept of zero and many before they learn numbers, another manifestation of nothing and something. Then they learn the concept of zero, one and many - most of the time on their own. Once we teach them, 2, 3 and so on, there is little work involved in teaching them more numbers. By the time we are adults, numbers are so internalized that we do not notice a difference in thinking of 1 or 100. But there is that very very fast speed of thought to account for.

Shiveesh Fotedar